Sunday, November 29, 2009

Goodbye Southern California

Goodbye Southern California.
Gone for now feels like gone

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I'll come to
shape my
Slowly pulled
over my

-Christopher Uller

Monday, November 2, 2009

November Misses My Weather

I recall him & I walking through the cozy sidewalks of Castro
at night. I couldn't tell it was dark though. Hot Cookie lights &
a purpled black "Q," pizza green bulbs & orange Walgreen lettering
illuminated my path. Distorted like vodka, glimpses drowned me in
a sea of bodies of men dressed in drag. Women in masks, Boba Fett,
& mummies with hard-ons littered my perception, but I made the
best of it. I'd no recollection of the effect of fragrance. With plastic
around my face I bruised the bottom of my eyeball; it's red now.
One spicy chicken sandwich, flat chested Russians posing for a photo,
& stockinged legs later, him & I made our way through the rapid
transit subway where the tired freaks slouched on concrete, while
their wigs unraveled down their chests. Exit 12th street & take the
800 route home. Telegraph shone brightly with fallen trees, and
leaves covering the ground. A cold return to our apartment, defrosted
windows, & there, upon the warmer sheets and blankets of my bed,
I crashed.

-Christopher Uller